Monday, August 19, 2013

There's Gold In Them There Hills!

Today we bid farewell to Tom's parents (and niece, Sadelle, that Lilly conned into staying the night) and headed north to I-90 in Sioux Falls. Once we were westbound it definitely felt more like our trip was ending and we were heading home, but we still have some fun up our sleeves.
We stopped for lunch in Wall, SD famously known for Wall Drug Store... Nora rode a jackalope (see lots of tricks), Garrett finally found a buffalo he likes, and Lilly almost got eaten by a T-Rex. Forgive my Wall Drug picture quality, we had to rely on the phones.
We stopped for the night in Deadwood, SD. This morning when we told Lilly where we were going she decided she'd rather stay the night in "Alivewoods." Since that wasn't an option we checked into the hotel and addressed the most pressing item on the agenda, gold panning. We also got to take a really cool tour of a historic mine.
After the tour we got down to business and panned ourselves some gold. Garrett was the lucky winner...
Lilly announced that she liked these "Deadwoods" and wanted to live here with Garrett when she grows up. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool basking in our new found wealth (obviously!) Tomorrow we plan on more westward progress and roadside adventures!

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